Privacy Policy

This privacy policy explains how we use and safeguard the information you send to us and any other information which is collected when you visit our website.

Information that you submit when filling in online forms will be used to respond and answer your query. Any medical information you willingly submit may be shared with clinics we work with (listed in the Where I work tab), other consultants who work in these clinics to provide you with an appropriate opinion. It will not be shared with persons outside of these clinics without your prior explicit consent and only if additional advice is deemed necessary.

Any information you provide to us through online forms or by email etc, will be deemed that you consent for us to process such information in order for us to adequately respond with accurate information. Any information you provide on behalf of someone else will be deemed that you have their consent to do so.

The website content is not encrypted and can be accessed without registering or the need to provide personal information, however by using the website, you agree to us placing cookies on your computer or device.

Cookies are pieces of information that a website temporarily places in a cookie file on your device or computer when accessing the internet when visiting a website. Cookies enable users to navigate the website more easily by remembering pages visited and to recognise a user’s device and browser.

We also use a third-party cookie called Google Analytics. This allows us to collect information such as your IP address, the number of visitors to our site, pages visited, time on site and if you requested information from the website. This information is used to track usage behaviour and help us improve the navigability of our website for users.

Disabling cookies may prevent the site working as expected and may prevent access to certain areas.

We securely store your personal data and will only use for it for the purpose it was supplied to us for; to provide healthcare treatment and ongoing medical care. Your personal information may be used for billing and payment purposes. We will not share your information with a third party, other medical provider, without your explicit consent or instruction.

We have strict encryption procedures in place when sending personal information to prevent discloser or interception. We seek to have your consent prior to sending your personal information and medical reports to you electronically.

Weblinks to other websites are not covered by this policy.


The content, images and graphics on this website belong to Dr Filip Zemrak, except where stated. You may print or download content for your personal use; however, you must not reproduce any material on this website for any commercial use without first obtaining our written permission.

Reliability of Information Found on this Website

The content on this website is for information purposes only and the medical information must not be taken as a diagnosis of any symptom or condition that may be affecting you. Likewise, any suggested treatments are provided as an indication of likely procedures, although may not be suitable for everyone. In any cases where you are suffering from symptoms, you should seek medical opinion.


Although reasonable efforts are made to check that pages and files are free of defects and errors. No guarantees can be made that they are virus free. Therefore, no warranty or guarantee is given by our team regarding files downloaded or accessed.

Your Rights

You have the right to know what personal information we hold about you. You have the right to request a copy of this information. You have the right to have any mistakes corrected. You have the right to ask us to stop processing your data and where it does not breach our legislative duty to maintain your medical record for a minimum period of time, to have it deleted. You have the right to data portability – meaning you can request your personal information be sent to another medical provider. We however, will still maintain your medical record as part of legislation for the minimum retention period.

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, you should make a Subject Access Request to the Data Controller, care of where your request will be acted on within 1 month.

If you believe we are not processing your personal data appropriately or are not holding it securely, you can in the first instance complain to the Data Controller care of .

If you remain unsatisfied, you should write to the Information Commissioners Office.

Data Processing

It is important that patients have the information easily accessible, and we are transparent about what information we collect, why we collect it, what we do with it, who has access to it, how long we keep it and what rights the patient has. And what you can do if you believe we have not acted appropriately with your data. – This is a key element in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 1998 and shortly to be published 2018. Combined, these make up the Data Protection Legislation.

This notice sets out our obligation and your rights regarding this legislation and how we will use your data for the lawful purpose to deliver care to you.

What types of data do we collect?

Broadly, there are two types of data; Personal Data and Sensitive Data.

Personal Data is anything meaning information relating to an identifiable living person. This can be either direct or indirect. Examples of this, but not limited to are: name, date of birth, address etc...

Sensitive Data includes such information, but not limited to, medical history including medical records, appointments, communications with you, results, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and religious beliefs. Personal Data, whether provided directly by you, your referring doctor or other third party, must be processed fairly and lawfully.

Why do we collect personal data?

In order for us to respond to queries, provide care and follow up treatment, it is necessary to collect some personal data. We will only collect the minimum amount necessary in order to fulfil this. It is necessary to have a minimum amount of data to allow us to verify your identity when you contact us.

Who can access my personal data?

All personal data is accessed only for the purpose of delivering a service to you. It is collected, stored and processed by us in line with Data Protection Legislation.

Unless we have your explicit consent, we will not disclose your personal information to anyone, except: Members of our staff and the staff of clinics we collaborate with, with legitimate reason, your referrer and authorised persons involved in your care, or as required by law, or we have a legitimate reason to do so. We may also use your data from time to time to keep you informed of any offers, services, or promotions from us or the clinics we collaborate with.

How do we keep your personal data secure?

We keep your personal data secure on a recognised medical database platform which has 2 level security, with access code changing every 1 minute. PC access is by user account. We keep your personal data secure on a recognised medical database platform which has 2 level security, with access code changing every 1 minute. PC access is by user account.

How long is your personal data held?

We will not keep your personal data for longer than is necessary. Data retention is guided by the NHS Records Management Code of Practice and by the Department of Health.

What are your rights?

You have the right to:

Ask what personal data we hold on you, request a copy of your personal data, have any mistakes rectified, to keep your records up to date, ask us to delete personal data. It should be noted that legislation may prevent us from carrying out your request.


If you have a complaint about how we hold or process your personal data, in the first instance, please write to our Data Controller at

If you remain unsatisfied with our response, you may contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF or telephone them on 020 3123 1113 or online at We are registered with the ICO.